Shot Glass Germination Problems

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member

I've been germinating my seeds using the shot glass method with distilled water and have been having some issues. I put my first seed in the shot glass and put in complete darkness with the temp being between 75-81 for about two and a half days and no taproot emerged. I decided to put the seed into soil under a light and hope for the best. I put another one of my seeds into a shot glass with distilled water and its been in the water for about a day and a half now with no taproot emerging. Temps being between 75-81. Should I put it into soil and hope? Should I leave it soaking until the root emerges? Am I doing something drastically wrong? I only have one seed left that hasn't been dropped yet so i'm open to any corrections to my method or a whole new one all together.



Active Member
I keep my seeds in water for 24 hours and then move them to a wet towel. I usually expect my seeds to pop about a day or two after being moved to a wet towel. I have seen some sleep for up to 5 days.


Well-Known Member
When I first strated grow I did all these shot glass tricks and paper towel etc etc. some would work and some wouldn't.

What has worked for me so far after all that 100% is just put it straight into the medium and let it grow. There's no need for all that other shit, just a little bit of patience :)

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
Should I water the soil a day or two before I drop the seed in? And after I drop the seed in and the top soil gets dry should I mist the top soil? Or just let it be?


Well-Known Member
I usually water a 4" pot fully and then stick my seed about fingernail deep. By the time the plant needs watering again, the seed will be a seedling.

Main thing is patience.
^ as what he says. I normally wouldn't need to water for a week at least.


Well-Known Member
Should I water the soil a day or two before I drop the seed in? And after I drop the seed in and the top soil gets dry should I mist the top soil? Or just let it be?
I dont know why people make something so easy seem so difficult.
Straight into the medium from the start, jiffy or seed raising mix kept at about 80 at all times. Drench the medium prior to planting and keep it wet until germination then reduce watering.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I dont know why people make something so easy seem so difficult.
Straight into the medium from the start, jiffy or seed raising mix kept at about 80 at all times. Drench the medium prior to planting and keep it wet until germination then reduce watering.
Amen, Far too much jacking around in regards to a stupid-simple germination process. Cannabis evolved and figured out eons ago how to reproduce and germinate in harsh environments just fine without our help. Soil+moisture+warmth+viable seed = new seedling. Over complicated handling will reduce germination success rates.


Well-Known Member
After a few days of soaking in water, some beans are very stubborn and have a very thick shell, and dont want to pop. After 3 days, if the seed has not split, I take the bean outta water, using a brand new razor blade, I gently go around the seem of the seed with the razor. Do not use force, you are not trying to cut it open - just weaken the seem.

Put the seed back into water, or directly into the medium, and if the seed was viable - it should now germinate within the next 24-48 hours.


Well-Known Member
I just threw 12 mystery seeds in a wine glass with some distilled water, after 1-2 days 10 of them had tap roots, I planted all 12 anyways. Most of them have just barely popped the top of the soil its too soon to know how many /12 i'll get. I'm expecting 10/12.

My opinion is that seeds just aren't going to germinate. I always soak my seeds in water and it works pretty well for me; that being said I have a lot of seeds so losing a few isn't a big deal for me. I don't know your seed situation.

I don't know how relevant my comment is to you anymore considering the OP was a few days ago and seeds can stop being seeds pretty fast lol


I think people fret to much over germination techniques in my experience with most seeds is to just put them in the growing medium and let them be util they germinate. You are not going to get 100 percent success from every seed. Seeds are natural some flourish some fail just like everything in nature