should a prospective mother be chucked if it has pm?

im on my first grow,i have a couple of plants a couple of weeks into flowering,and i discovered powerey mildew on them,i caught it early,and have sprayed them with neem,(funds are tight so i cant afford anything else atm)
that was a week ago and it has gotten no worse,i will spray again weekly,but my dilema is that before discovering the pm,i took a couple of cuttings to make mothers,and placed them upstairs with a couple of autoflowers im doing as well,it looks like the pm is on the now rooted cuttings,and also spread to my autos,should i just chuck the prospective mothers?,i live in a very cold damp house,and have mold problems,on a couple of walls,so obviously my enviroment is far from ideal,which makes me assume that,even if i go from seed next time ,i will probally end up with pm anyway,and just have to wait longer for the privilidge,i cant afford and other treatments apart from neem atm,and i assume the pm spores are throughout the house anyway now,any advice would be great,cheers
I don't know if you should chuck it, I think there are some products that may help with mildew. Try to increasee your airflow in your grow area, this will also help your humidity go down. Humid stale air is mold and mildew prone.
cheers for your reply ,im hope to get a dehumidifer before next winter,imexpecting the damp to get better over the next few months
dont chuck it....they sell a few sprays for it...get it and get it fast...seriously...kill that shit before it spreads like a wildfire...and it will if the conditions become right...