Should I be trimming my plant?


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,

i topped my plant about 2 weeks ago and shes starting to grow pretty good again.. However, I find that the new growth is fighting for light.. Should I be trimming a few leaves that arent getting enough light? Some leaves have begun to spin and face the wrong direction. Heres a few pictures...

let me know what you think. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Do not take leaves off plants, it causes shock which can stunt growth, inhibit root development and lessen overall production.

Only take leaves off when they are damaged over 50% and even in those cases only remove 2-3 leaves aver few days.

People forget that plants are living things and their vascular system needs to be a complete circuit for proper health. Don't cut your fan leaves unless their half dead, the plant will work around the dark spots and move branches into the lit up areas in time.
Also, the big fan leaves are where the sugars are stored for the plant to process photosynthesis. If you remove the leaves then it will prohibit proper photosynthesis from happening (thus resulting in small, airy buds etc.)

If you are to remove any leaves or branches they should be the bottom ones and only after you've started flowering.


Active Member
I would have to disagree with the removal of fan leaves being harmful. Yes, its not the best idea to intentionally hurt your plant but with risk comes added benefit in not only plush bushes but also new innovative knowledge that even the vets would snarl at.
Its called defoliage and it must be started at week one veg and maintained for proper results. Simply put, you trim all major fan leaves which will leave you with a spindly looking youngin. After about a week all shoots emerge as if on steroids. I now have a full cycle invovling this method and so far the results are amazing!!

The plants Mind at first as they should and you must keep removing fan leaves, i cut mine every other week . I have used every method and this is right up there with the best.


Well-Known Member
what kalebaidon and flowerinafield said. you could stunt its growth, stress it into a hermi and have your plants full of seeds, and even decrease the amount of bud you'll get because like said before the leafs create sugars that help with bud growth. less sugars = less bud


Well-Known Member
ok great advice guys. i have trimmed fan leaves but only because they were below the rim of the bucket. at this point though, what do you think of the way she looks? it hasnt actually shown any signs of sex yet.. im almost 6 weeks in


Active Member
Do not take leaves off plants, it causes shock which can stunt growth, inhibit root development and lessen overall production.

Only take leaves off when they are damaged over 50% and even in those cases only remove 2-3 leaves aver few days.

People forget that plants are living things and their vascular system needs to be a complete circuit for proper health. Don't cut your fan leaves unless their half dead, the plant will work around the dark spots and move branches into the lit up areas in time.
What this guy said....

And I think he means 6 weeks total... You will see sex somewhere between 1 day and 2 weeks of switching the light cycle, unless of coarse you have an auto-flower then it does what its genetically engineered to do..