Should i be trimming the yellows?


Active Member
my plants are in week 2 of flowering, and there seems to be about half a dozen Yellow Fan leaves...They seem like they are doing no good for the plant.. Should i be trimming them? or is this a sign of " GIMMY SOME F'N FERTS! "


Well-Known Member
pics are the only real way we can help you. It could be many different things.... whats your setup? feeding schedule? these things will help us figure out how to assist you.


Well-Known Member
how about the rest of your plant...... thats a LOT of yellow leaves. im concerned of what your feeding schedule looks like. My ladies are in almost 3rd week of flowering and I've only had like 2 yellow leaves but they were from my nuted water hitting them directly and nute burning just that site. My opinion so far is a nute problem of some kind.... not sure if its too much or too little please show a shot of the complete plant so some better trained eyes can help me out with it too.


Well-Known Member
im not exactly an expert, but it looks like they could use some feeding, something with a decent amount of nitrogen.

i had plants that looked similar in my first few grows before i bothered with nutes, started using FF Tigerbloom/big bloom and it cleared up.


Active Member

What did you feed her? you said she is flowering right, so In would not give her much N at all.


Active Member
Is it ok that i gave the plant 10-10-10? I'll be going to try and find some bat gurna 2-17-0 today, If i cant find anything ill hunt down some other high Phos fert...I realy hope these plants make it threw this and it dosent effect the meds


Well-Known Member
you are making to complicated bud, just go to wal mart and get some alaska fish emulsion. mix like 2 tablespoons in a gallon of water every feeding time and that plant will start looking amazing.


Active Member
Alrite walmart did't have any fish emulsion, So i got some good Mega Bloom stuff 10-54-10 from a smoke shop ... Anyone know is this is good?