Should I be worried?


Active Member
Hello all,
My seedlings are 9 days old and mostly i think im doing ok (the color of all leaves is a good healthy green). My specs :

Seeds : Nirvana Indoor Mix Feminized
Soil : Costume made for MJ with peat, perlite and vermiculite
Water : Mineral Water - Ph'd to 6.5 (every third day the soil is awsome with retaining water)
Additives : Root Juice 1/2 strengh every watering (which only happened twice until now and first time was 1/4 strength)
Light : 250W dual spectrum HPS (i know of the lumens but dont have the cash for more) on 18/6
Temp : 70-80F
Grow Space : Clost covered with mylar well vented.

So here are the pics :
The first one worries me the most - it seems to be deformed and grows way slower then the other two (maybe because its a different strain?)
The second one has a yellow spot on it, as you will see in the pics

Please please help i dont want to fuck this up i put a lot of money and hard work in this setup

Thanks in advance


Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
It's a bit too soon to be feeding them anything quite yet.

Be careful not to over water then as well, they look a little soggy to me.

Happy growing.


Active Member
What do you think would be a good indicator to water again? i wait 3-4 days until its pretty dry cause i heard its the worst thing to overwater. And isnt root juice supposed to work from germination? + what do you think of the pics any bad news from that? (i just want to be as premptive as possible)

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
You don't want your soil to become completely dry between waterings.

But it does need to be a good and dry a couple inches down before watering again.

The weight of the container is a good indication of when you should water.


Active Member
ok ill do that... any opinions about the pics? im really stressing here i want to know if they could be a bit crooked at the begining and then straighten out or something....