Should I be worried?

Well-Known Member
So 5 years ago I let loose about 1000 baby praying mantis, and they are still around on my plants today. Recently a little shit red and black bug has killed 5 of my babies that I have basically kinda bread for a few generations (well mother nature did at least).

this bug also sucks the life out of my plants. I tried to protect on of my babies today and when I went to smash it I noticed this bug had the reflexes of superman. Not only did it some how move sideways everytime I went for it. It would move sideways and spiral down the plant stem. HE/SHE is IMPOSSIBLE for me to kill. Now I am sure an adult praying mantis would be able to handle this bug, but the baby ones that are on my plants have been dying. This bug does not eat them it just kills them... I cannot spray the plants because I would kill my babies... All of the adults usually stay in the bushes and the babies have always been attracted to my plants.

Anyways... does anyone know what this thing is. Has anyone seen a bug that has the athleticism of a NFL running back? I mean there is no way in hell I could kill this thing, I couldnt even get a freaking picture of it.

What kind of bugs can move sideways?!?!?!?!?!? has anyone ever seen this creature. it is 1 inch long, and is red and black stripped, it has eyes that are like a flies or a bees, but it does not fly! Or at least it has not ever flown for me... I have scared and almost caught it, I has never flown away, rather it moves like it is on freaking crack cocaine.

Please help, it is destroying my plants.

Should I try to catch an adult praying mantis from one of my bushes, and put it on the plant. I mean adult praying mantis can fly so I think they would be hard to catch...

What is my best option? Let mother nature take over? I mean it is only 1 bug...


Active Member
seems very odd never have heard of something like that, if you can try your best to get a picture it would really help.. maybe trying spraying some water to slow it down or knock it off or something.

Well-Known Member
It is not a lady bug. I will look tomorrow in the morning, if I see him I will shake the plant he is on and try to capture him to get a picture. I THINK it is a tree hopper. I also figured out it is NOT killing my babies... Something else is because I think it is dumb to think that this creature could kill a praying mantis.. I mean praying mantis are beasts...

Anyways thanks for the replies!