should i cut my hair for drug test

the last time i smoked was april 4 of this year. Before that, i hadnt smoked for 2 years. I have an interview with chevron november 1. Im wondering if i should cut my hair for the drug test. my hair is about 8 inches long right now. should i make it about 3 inches. thanks again


Well-Known Member
Cut your hair anyway you dirty hippie! :D

But many places drug test with hair?
idk man, i hear they test hair and urine. im really nervous about the hair test. Its for an accounting position and i only smoked once this year and that was nearly 7 months ago.


New Member
if u shave hair u have to shave all body hair
my friend tried shaving head they just said ok we will take it from armpit or chest
so dont shave head unless u like the look
im not going to shave my just thinking about cutting it long enough for them to actually test it. i hear they check 90 days back. if thats the case then im good to go. but im nervous that my longer hairs will show drug use.


Well-Known Member
I'm not to familiar on the hair thing,but doesn't it go back like a yr or so?

You have been clean for a while and you don't sound like a major pot head burnin a quarter sack every day,i think your gonna be fine.


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine failed a hair test last week and he said the only thing he smoked was july 4th weekend. it was a random test so he didn't have a chance to get a haircut and he said he wasn't that scared because he smoked just that 1 time. he had been with the company for more than 10 years, they told him if he checked himself into a rehab for his drug problem they wouldn't fire him. he told them to shove it. i would cut my hair if i was in your shoes.


Well-Known Member
is there any way i can test my hair?
You are letting the test rent space in your head. At this point there is nothing you can do but pray you test. Yes go ahead and get a haircut so you look respectable, other then that


Besides April was a long time ago for one joint and no smoke for two years, you are in the clear


Active Member
Dude, go to test clean. Com, and get the shampoo and dehydrated synthetic urine. Order express if li,e a charm. I'm sorry I posted the website. I don't think its allowed, but im just trying to help!


New Member
Dude, go to test clean. Com, and get the shampoo and dehydrated synthetic urine. Order express if li,e a charm. I'm sorry I posted the website. I don't think its allowed, but im just trying to help!
no it is ok
they just dont want other forums links posted
or a business u are connected to