Should I digg up my plants and re plant inside


Well-Known Member
Isn’t flowering season supposed to be done by November outdoors? Can you leave those outside for next year and take cuttings and run those inside?


I live in New York it snows can't I just dig them and transfer them in a huge pot or cover it for a certain amount of hours to make it flip to flower


Well-Known Member
I live in New York it snows can't I just dig them and transfer them in a huge pot or cover it for a certain amount of hours to make it flip to flower
You probably can but you will stress the fuck out of the plant. It may take a while to recover from the stress of transplant plus roots breaking during the digging… that’s why I suggested taking clones but if they will die outside then go ahead and bring em inside


Well-Known Member
If they have been outside for 15+ weeks and haven't started to flower, I'd question if there's something wonky going on with the genetics. You can definitely dig em up and repot them. I'm sure they will definitely have some stress changing environments, but should be able to recover. I would highly recommend keeping them separate from any other plants. Also do a pretty good pest treatment. Don't want any passengers riding inside with them.


Well-Known Member
did you plant directly under a street light or what? how is it possible that they havent even started flowering yet? you can transplant indoors ofc but take tch’s advice on that part. be very cautious if you have any other indoor plants or an indoor setup you are gonna use in future.


Well-Known Member
Where are you in NY? On the island
I have trimmed 7/8 of my plant and it is still growing. There are a bunch of small buds that are still doing.

I would take some cutting before I tried to transplant. I have a smaller plant outside that has flowered and still has two buds on it. From what I understand after flowering mode it will revert back to veg growth. So I might experiment and bring in doors.


Well-Known Member
You can move them inside. I have done it before, but the plants hated me for about two weeks. I dug up the rootball and used a gentle shower to remove most of the field soil and then put into container mix.

You can try to use the same soil, but field soil performs horrible in containers.