should I feel safe


Well-Known Member
Installing a bigger breaker on my own. I understand what to do but I am no electrician but decently handy.


Well-Known Member
Youtube and google... you can diy anything with an internet connection and some spare time.

I started doing my own electric work after an electrician made multiple mistakes on the job I paid him for. I am no electrician, a little handy.


Well-Known Member
get out the rubber gloves and boots! be CAREFUL electricity incoming from the power companies main lines are not reduced and will fry your ass beyond belief.

im 18yrso with experience in wiring up multiple circuits in many different sized buildings and people think that it is crazy what i attempt sometimes but i am always prepared, do not take this shit lightly cause electricity hurts like hell and will drop your ass.

i am self taught on practically everything i know and trust me it can be done but it is not advised and should have alot of research done and some light electrical experience would be a bonus.


Adding a breaker to a open space in a breaker panel? Not a big deal. Switching out a breaker for a bigger. Not safe at all. I assume since you are asking the question that you have not calculated and replaced all the wire post breaker? Do you understand that if you add a bigger breaker and don't upgrade ALL the wiring on that circuit, especially a current you are currently maxing out, you run a high risk of burning your house down. Getting shocked doing it is the least of your concerns..