Should I get rid of it ? (Pic Included)

I have 5 barneys cookies kush and 4 barneys critical kush. The 4 critical kush seeds are growing nice how I like with good node spacing. The 5 cookies kush on the other hand claim to be indica dominate like the critical kush but is stretching very bad. Plants are under T5 lighting in sunshine mix #4. I will be transplanting them soon. Now my question is why do you think the cookie kush is stretching so much??? Should I keep the cookie kush or toss them away?? Kind of looks like unstable genetics to me



Well-Known Member
I had some barneys farm pineapple chunk start like that then after putting into their final put they Exploded into some if the best smoke i've ever grown.
It's still early days yet so let them grow unless you want to waste your hard earned money down the drain?
Give the girls a chance and some love :hug:


Active Member
i vote for keeping them, but they seem to big for the plastic cups to me. maybe give them new homes in bigger pots b4 they get root bound?


Active Member
yeah get em out of those cups pronto bro cause at that height they may already be bound. crop top and lollipop. never toss out healthy cannabis before they show sex that's insane beans are very expensive to me anyways good luck. transplant right away