Grow them ... Sometimes you get some decent smoke ... They are expendable.
You can practice all the techniques on them ... LST , SUPERCROP , TOPPING , MAINLINING , LOLLIPOP , ETC.
The problem is that street swag / brick weed is rushed from the taco fields in Mexico .
They are NEVER fully matured bud. They spray God knows what on it.
It's usually some red hair Sativa strain ... Inbred plants .
Brick weed is cured rather sketchy ... Usually a compression cure ( heat ) . Bundled with sticks , shit , bugs and whatever. Most times hermie plants , fully seeded bag of crap you get for $5 on the street. Because they only grow to move product quickly and with crap cured weed you get that typical HARSH ass street smoke.
If you TREATED them like good seeds AND grew them out properly, cured the right way , you would get good smoke. These are kinda lanky Sativas and such so I would do some serious training on them . Sativas get better with longer flowering . Some can run real long ( 16 weeks ) but for shits and giggles you can grow them shorter with say 12/12 grows right from start. Expect 2 to 2 1/2 times at least in stretch.
Sometimes there are nice surprises with bag seed.