Should i grow two plants? or focus the lights on only ONE?


Active Member
Well i have two 125w dual spec CFL'S coming on monday
what im asking is..

- should i grow ONE auto widow, which is supposed to yield up to 70g, with both lights
- or should i add two plants, an auto white widow and an auto jack herer, and grow them both, each with 125w cfls? focsuing on each pot..


Active Member
100 actual watts per plant satisfies me at this point im new at this but no one else replied. are those 125 watt actual watts or is it cfl equivalent. sometimes itl say 150 watt cfl but it only uses 26 actual watts so its only 26 actual watts of power.


Active Member
id do 2 plants i havent figured out my exact wattage ( i will though) but i dont think i have much more than that and it is for 2 girls and they are looking good??


Well-Known Member
if the lights hang from above then you have to measure the square fottage of light cast onto a surface. if they are mounted vertically ummm...idk


Active Member
its two actual 125w bulbs
well im just planning to see to plant which one
is it worth planting two? with both bulbs horizontally
or just one plant with both bulbs
so like the auto white widow with two 125w DUAL SPEC CFL'S
or one auto widow and auto jack herer with each having 125w's OF cfl?

will it be enough for them both? CFL wise?
how much will i be looking to yield?


Active Member
- One auto widow with two bulbs ( 250w altogether )
- Or one auto widow & one auto jack herer with seperate 125w bulbs?

how much would i yield of both?
the seed company ( )

Jack herer specs -
auto widow specs -

both say they can produce alot of grams but obv under optimal conditions
but i should be able to pull 20g of both right?

can someone take the time to look plz ?


Well-Known Member
hey,, I grew with cfl's at first ,,and had two quite large plants under a 250w plug and grow,,it was okay,,but the buds were wispey and light,and I found even with flower stims that the lower part of the plants were effectively a waste of time,,and this 70g number from the op would be a sea of green style grow under Hps, with a cfl ,and certainly with a single one you will need to have everything perfect to get an ok yelid,, id say grow one under that cfl and save that other seed,and you probly have to replace that cfl after one grow cause you need gd lumens for flower,roughly 10,000 per plant in flower,and to cover the whole plant work that figure to every square half meter,sorry im going off here,,
and you NEED a flower stim with cfl's to get anything half decent,,,
take it easy,


Well-Known Member
o and if you grow two under a cfl or group of cfl's then keep your plants as short as possible,take it easy,


Active Member
im going to be using two cfl's which is like 250w
using two 125w cfl's makes sure i can hang one horizontally on top of the plant
and one vertically on the side

which should b alright, i heard someone on this site got alot for only 2x26 cfl's :S
how much would i be looking to yield?