should I just plant straight in dirt?

no you shouldnt risk just planting directly in shitty dirt....start em in pots, then dig a big fucking hole...fill it with good dark soil that you have or can buy from a store, then transplant.
No, germinate the fuckers first. take four paper towels soak them in water, ring them out so they are just damp not dripping wet, place two towels down put the seed in the middle then place the other two towels on top, fold, and place it somewhere dark for 24 hours. Once you can see the root, place it in the soil, but make sure its soft soil life miracle grow, thats what i used my first time and it worked fine i got a purple haze out of a mid grade seed and damn did that thing smell up my house, but anyway put it in the soil about an inch 1/2 to 2 inches down into the soil. Water moderately every day or every other day depending on the climate or weather at the time. And one last thing ditch the pot idea trust me on that one that can cause a hell of alot of problems
No, germinate the fuckers first. take four paper towels soak them in water, ring them out so they are just damp not dripping wet, place two towels down put the seed in the middle then place the other two towels on top, fold, and place it somewhere dark for 24 hours. Once you can see the root, place it in the soil, but make sure its soft soil life miracle grow, thats what i used my first time and it worked fine i got a purple haze out of a mid grade seed and damn did that thing smell up my house, but anyway put it in the soil about an inch 1/2 to 2 inches down into the soil. Water moderately every day or every other day depending on the climate or weather at the time. And one last thing ditch the pot idea trust me on that one that can cause a hell of alot of problems

Really??? planting 2 in. deep is not a good idea. Your plant will be lucky if it can burst through that much soil. Second, Why would potting be a bad idea? I have a feeling you don't know what your talking about.
no you shouldnt risk just planting directly in shitty dirt....start em in pots, then dig a big fucking hole...fill it with good dark soil that you have or can buy from a store, then transplant.

MintyJesse listen to this guy, and scratch what the other dude said.
thanks cesar lol that foo didnt know what he was sposed to plant the seed half inch under the soil, and potting isnt bad under any circumstances
Once the seeds sprouts, just keep the head showing on top. Germing in plate, or directly in soil. The seed set in soil should be pre-watered, then add the seed, & sprinkle soil over the top, 1/8th inch, then finely mist with luke warm water. If germed in plate & paper towel, wash the chems off the paper towel first. Keep at 80 degrees. If root system gets into paper towel, I just cut around the towel & roots, & plant bits of towel with roots, to keep from harming the new roots.
If you look in the top right of this post, you should see a pair or scales. If you would be so kind as to click that, that would be lovely. O and +rep to zig zag zane as well : )
MintyJesse, this is one is for you. Rep should be given out when someone helps you out (cough* like right now cough*), it gives 'em some confidence around these parts lol. This thread will help you out. Read post #4 carefully.

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