should i keep my males?


Active Member
whats should i do with males? i have like 7 >:( can i grow them and turn them into hash? also any way to keep them growing with females and keep them from pollinating? maybe picking all the bud sacs off?


Well-Known Member
Well ya but if you cant keep them from the females completely, its not worth it. I just killed off 6. It was hard but it had to be done.


Well-Known Member
i agree with ratty, the pollen will travel far and frankly its not worth it to risk good plants for hash because if your females get pollinated on accident your yeild will be low so the males wont make up for that.


Well-Known Member
if i were you id kill 6 and keep one away from the females. collect some pollen then just poll 1 or half a female, then you can collect your own seeds, if you dont want any seeds, id just throw them, there not worth the time and effort.


Active Member
get rid ASAP and not in an area near or even close to the fems, and then make sure you wash your hands thouroly before touching the girls


Active Member
I normally start sexing mine from 3 - 4 weeks into veg. Or when they get to a certain hight.

But I hope this image helps with your decisions.

