should i move my plant inside to finish flowering?


Active Member
i have one plant that is only about 17-20 inches tall. i'm growing for personal use and it's the only plant that survived this year. what i'm wondering is if i should move it inside where it's a controlled environment, not cold, wet, dark and windy. It's in it's 4th week of flowering and i'm looking at a harvest date of november 10. The plant seems to be doing ok except for the last week or so it's rained every day and is showing a lot of signs of overwatering. i want to move it in for the last few weeks so it won't be stressed anymore than it needs to be. The forecast for the next 10 days look like this beginning with tomorrow:
Rainy/cloudy high of 53
sunny high of 60
sunny high of 67
rainy high of 71
scatter t-storms high of 70
rain high of 73 the next 2 days cloudy high of 60 & 63
rain high of 55

with this weather would moving the plant inside stress it too much? or would i end up increasing the yield because of ideal environment? it just seems like all this rain is slowing the plant down too much.


Active Member
seems like a late start depending on where you are located. you would need some kind of fluorescent light (at least) for it indoors and/or you should take it out in the sun when the weather is good if possible


Well-Known Member
Dam, sounds like the crazy weather I get sometimes.
I have started bringing my plants in at night because of the cold, but during the day I am only getting intermittent direct sun due to tree canopies overhead and scattered cloud cover.
Moving inside should do fine, but make sure to keep the same amount of light hours.


Active Member
Dude leave it. I havent had a day over 60degrees in a month and the girls are loving it. The lights a bit scattered but still as long as it stays above freezing youll be fine. But when it gets down in the low thirtys as an average temp then move it indoors. The plant isnt stressing to bad throw a tarp over it when it rains. Atleast if you do move it inside only do it for the nights and back out in the morning. Otherwise you risk completley fucking up the flowering and stalling it for weeks.. Unless you have a 250w HPS or higher which still doesnt even come close to the suns intensity. A dark room with absolutley no light and a timer set to 12/12 or 11/13 you will not be making it better. Do it if you want but man id be careful in the middle of flowering you still have weeks for shit to happen. Like a reveg witch sucks, or a hermie which sucks even more. Just my opinion. If your averaging 50s-60s-70s then your fine. If its freezing rain and frost advisorys every night then yeah put it in. IF not let it be and let mother nature take her course. You live in a warm state be thankfull your not in MI or Maine. There weather sux dick this time of year.


Active Member
What strain? What state. Or even just what parralel your at. If your west coast or down south a bit just leave it. Youll never compete with the sun no matter how hard you try.


Active Member
And if your thinkin about a window sill plant forget it the flowering will fuck up unless its a light tight room. Bad expereices with that. Hermied 2 weeks in and pollinated itself at week 4. Tons of seeds. Ew.... They were technically "FEM" but i dont play that on my own i let the experts breed my seeds. I just smoke the medicine


Active Member
sorry guys, forgot about the thread lol, too baked. Our weather is normal midwest weather... if that helps. but yeah, i'm taking all your advice and leaving it out. it's an indica strain so it should be fine, not sure of the exact strain but i know for sure it's indica. Thanks for all the advice guys! now to get ready for the indoor season bongsmilie