should i pull fan leaves???

just flused my ladies 3 days ago now that done grow should or can i pull the biggest fan leaves? would that benifit them or hurt them???? first cycle would app. the help thabks :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Your going to hear different opinions concerning your topic. To each their own. I myself do not defoliate until after 3rd week in flower and if the leaves are compromised more than 50%. Instances where I defoliate earlier is if fan leaves are overlapping and shading areas below too much. Think of your leaves as solar panels. That is where primary photosynthesis occurs. IMO if you defoliate too much then you could be possibly do more harm than good.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
This time, I only removed dead/sick leaves, instead of lolypopping, thinning etc.

To get light penetration, I just sepertated the branches.

This will be my biggest yielding plant to date.

So my advice is, to only remove the leaves that come off easily.

Have fun


Active Member
The plant will drop them when they aren't needed anymore. I'm on the side of leave them alone. A simple way to look at them are as solar panels.


Active Member
I agree... the plants will lose them by itself if it wants to lose them. Otherwise, I only pull dead and dying leaves.