should i start to flush or chop?


Well-Known Member
This is greenhouse seeds auto sweet mango its a mini plant but it is 69 days old not sure if I should start flushing or let it go longer or harvest it what do you guys think. would It make a big difference if I chopped now or flushed for a week then chopped. 20130513_230841.jpg20130513_230857.jpg20130513_230905.jpg20130513_230917.jpg


Active Member
Google trichomes images there you will find a picture to help, do you have a scope if not get one


Well-Known Member
damn greenhouse says 9 weeks its been longer little longer than that so I should wait till the pistils start to get orange and fall back into the bud


Well-Known Member
I'm down with bigbaby. 2 more weeks, then check for "doneness". It doesn't matter what the box says. So many factors effect the "time to harvest". That whatever is quoted, on said box. Is just a ballpark estimate. Some may finish early. Some later. "Doneness" of buds on the same plant can vary by up to a week, or more. So, as pointed out. It's not the time that matters most. It's how the plant looks. If the trichs are turning amber and most of the pistils are rusty. It's soup :eyesmoke:

Yer doin good!! Good luck on the rest of the grow :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
That's got another 3 weeks before you should even bother checking the trichomes. Flush about then if you want to. Harvest will be in about a month.


dont skip flush!!!! i tried it, it made me very ill- throwing up dry heaving after the harsh smoke which you'll be upset you put yourself through if youre not in the ER having toxic shock of course.


Well-Known Member
Dont flush just feed straight watet no nutes for the remainder of the growing...just water till u got good runoff...i dont flush i just stop feeding nutes the last two weeks