Should I start using shooting powder


Active Member
So I’m in week 8 of flower and hit week 9 tomorrow and my girl still looks like she has about 4 weeks left but I think I might start using Shooting powder tomorrow and if she still needs an extra 2 weeks let her go with plain nutes then flush and normal water for a week? Will that work never tried shooting powder before and how much should I mix per L of water?
Use Shooting Powder at the end of the flowering period for the last three weeks.

Prepare your nutrient container by first adding your base nutrient (e.g Cocos, Hydro, Aqua Flakes or Soil) to the water container. Reduce the strength of your base nutrient when using Shooting Powder. Add Shooting Powder and check pH and EC according to plant stage of growth.

1 sachet to 100ltrs during the last three weeks before harvest

2 sachets to 100ltrs during the last two weeks before harvest

2 sachets to 100ltrs during the last week before harvest

Only use Shooting Powder when your plants are sufficiently healthy as it is a very strong agent. Always adjust the EC value of your base nutrient to 1.2. Do not use Shooting Powder in combination with any other PK booster.
I use shooting powder for the last 3 weeks of feeding before I know I'm going to flush. You want to add a normal dose of nutrients at 1.2 EC or ~800 PPM and then apply the shooting powder per instructions.

Personally I use the liquid version (same product just liquid) called Top Shooter and I apply 1 oz (50% recommendation) per 20 gallons of water at the beginning of week 6 of flower and then another ounce the day after, then just feed normally without shooting products until week 7 then repeat same application (strong stuff) and then do your flush and you'll be good.

A little goes a very long way and be sure to PH your water after you add the shooting powder you will want 5.8 PH for Coco and 6.2 PH for Soil.