Should I Switch Soil???


Well-Known Member
Here is the link to the soil I have been using. I thought it was pretty good but after my drainage issues with my hermie girls I don't know if I should just add more perlite or switch soil all together before planting my seedlings.
I added a full bag of perlite to one of those really big walmart storage tubs and still have drainage issues.

for those of U who don't like clicking links:

Formulated with Canadian sphagnum peat moss, coarse grade perlite, coarse grade vermiculite, dolomitic lime, gypsum and our long-lasting wetting agent.
Use Sunshine Mix #8 for bedding plants, potted plants, flower and foliage crops, bulbs, perennials and vegetable plants.


Well-Known Member
Sunshine mix is good, though most prefer mix #4 and simply amend it with 30% calcined clay (most common brand is turface)