Should i take LSD?


Well-Known Member
came by some LSD...

been smoking only MJ for a few years and im pretty good with just it.
but since the opportunity for taking some LSD came up im thinking about giving it a go..

any personal experience from first time? should i try? just stay with my Mary jane?:?


Well-Known Member
came by some LSD...

been smoking only MJ for a few years and im pretty good with just it.
but since the opportunity for taking some LSD came up im thinking about giving it a go..

any personal experience from first time? should i try? just stay with my Mary jane?:?

first time? dont do it alone. this drug for sure is one the most unique feelings you could experience. it will be you in a state of mind far from anything imaginable. visuals depends on the type but, everything seems distorted/shadows pop out more and colors intensify.

i wanna know where you got this lol..i make sure its real. hard to find that shit now..

i could make a shit load of money of that. everyone around here wishes there was some..


Well-Known Member
first time? dont do it alone. this drug for sure is one the most unique feelings you could experience. it will be you in a state of mind far from anything imaginable. visuals depends on the type but, everything seems distorted/shadows pop out more and colors intensify.

i wanna know where you got this lol..i make sure its real. hard to find that shit now..

i could make a shit load of money of that. everyone around here wishes there was some..
guess that depends on where you live (:

planning on trying it with my GF.. first time for her too..


Active Member
Many years ago, I enjoyed LSD regularly. Been there, done that, over now... It was great but had its time and place in my life. I agree with tinyTURTLE, everyone should try LSD at some point in their lives.

If you do take it, just remember that you are on a drug and your thoughts may be a bit "off". Also keep in mind that if you are in public, no one knows, you don't have a sign saying you are on LSD.... just be cool. I would recommend having someone there who is not "on the bus", preferably someone with experience. You can't really hurt yourself with the drug itself, but you can do some crazy shit while dosed that can be dangerous. Be careful and enjoy yourself.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
L is the best thing ever if you welcome it with open arms

If its real lsd, and you WANT to take it, then you will have the best experience of your life.. I far prefer lsd to mushrooms, and lsd feels more natural to me than a cup of coffee.

Don't trip alone though, I feel like I need someone to talk to about the experience as it happens.. to keep myself anchored

Get music playlists, some good nutritous food (not junk) water, drinks, movies... I reccomend you go outside for your trip.

Check out a website called for some reallly good infomation on L

Know your body, know your mind, know your substance, know your source ;)


Well-Known Member
first time i took LSD was at school in the 10th grade.
don't be as scared of the weird as people are trying to make you.
you'll be fine.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Change is a scary word... id say it opens your eyes to the wonderful world around you and makes you appreciate life more..

Yes, don't surround yourself with people you don't trust. You can become confused and disoriented and you need to TRUST that the people around you ONLY have the best intentions. On L you are in a fragile state, and you don't want to get paranoid like thinking somone took your stuff, or money, or is trying to fuck with your head. Some people can't respect a psychadelic experience, don't be around those people. Mainly immature people


Well-Known Member
i took acid on a greyhound bus trip from reno to oakland in a snowstorm.
you aren't in that fragile a state.
unless you take WAY too much.


bud bootlegger
i thought that i would just mention to make sure that your in a good state of mind before you dose as well.. if your depressed or sad or anything along those lines, the lsd will only intensify those feelings..
i like the person who said to remind yourself that your on acid.. things may get kinda strange at times, but just think to yourself, yes, i just took acid, and that is the reason why such and such is such, and in a few hours, everything will be back to normal..

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i agree. i always just take 2 or 3. in my opinion, thats the perfect dose. whats ur norm, Verde?

About the same :)

I like dipping my feet into the warm waters kaleidoscopic perception.. you know what I mean right? Where its like a roulette wheel is spinning (or multiple semi transparent wheels in cross sections), and each section has a different vision, and whatever it stops on thats where you are? Best I can explain it... I feel like higher doses sprawl me out too much to function very well... the thing I like about cids is the level of functionality, and occasionally I like diving into my brain... but for the most part I enjoy changing my environment while remaining the same inside.. for me thats 2-3 doses for a recreational experience...

mescbandit. It's been about a month since my last dose.. when I get better (kinda sick now) you think I should drop again? :) I almost forget what it's like! That's the beauty of tripping. It's like a dream. When you wake up, you can recount most if not all events.. then about 2 weeks later you can only remember KEY POINTS that you described to people (melting faces, things looking like oil paintings) but really when I close my eyes it's like I can't really visualize what visual melting looks like - you know?

bongsmilie :peace:


Well-Known Member
About the same :)

I like dipping my feet into the warm waters kaleidoscopic perception.. you know what I mean right? Where its like a roulette wheel is spinning (or multiple semi transparent wheels in cross sections), and each section has a different vision, and whatever it stops on thats where you are? Best I can explain it... I feel like higher doses sprawl me out too much to function very well... the thing I like about cids is the level of functionality, and occasionally I like diving into my brain... but for the most part I enjoy changing my environment while remaining the same inside.. for me thats 2-3 doses for a recreational experience...

mescbandit. It's been about a month since my last dose.. when I get better (kinda sick now) you think I should drop again? :) I almost forget what it's like! That's the beauty of tripping. It's like a dream. When you wake up, you can recount most if not all events.. then about 2 weeks later you can only remember KEY POINTS that you described to people (melting faces, things looking like oil paintings) but really when I close my eyes it's like I can't really visualize what visual melting looks like - you know?

bongsmilie :peace:
yea. i think u should. maybe just do like 2 and just jam sum music and get baked. im feeling its about time for me to trip again soon too. im trying to get sum shrooms today. hopefully i can and trip a little tonight. a gram or two and sum bud and good dubstep and ill have an awesome night.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone!
I feel alot more confident! just needed to hear some thoughts from people who did it since i don't know alot..

Does it matter if i get Baked before i take it? make it better? worse?