Should I throw her out in the cold?


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU! I'm about 10 and a half weeks into flowering and I am looking to finish my girl strong, I am at about 35% brown pistils, unfortunately my jewelers loupe I ordered on amazon won't be here until the middle of next month so this is all I have to go on. Anyway I was growing outdoor this summer and I noticed that the cold in the fall produced some awesome colors and increased trich production... My question is would it be a good idea to take my indoor plant and put it out in the cold (inside my shed) for the last few days of flower. Looking for anyone with experience in this method or any advice. Thanks!
I'm going to say no. All sorts of pests will hammer it and really what's the point. If you only have a few days its not going to make any difference.
Maybe around 40 degrees they would purple some but at those temps you'll probably turn Black from cell damage.
Why not pipe some of that 20-30 degree air into your grow? Instead of bringing the grow out to the elements be it a sealed shed or not

Colder temps will cause colors, but that's far too cold. 50s will help bring out color genetically predisposed to be there.. Other than that you risk doing more damage than benefits for bag appeal imo
Putting it outside isn't gonna make it mature faster. It will kill it faster so you might as well just cut it down. You can get a cheap microscope at radio shack if you have one around for $12. I'm sure there are other places you could find one also.
Hey RIU! I'm about 10 and a half weeks into flowering and I am looking to finish my girl strong, I am at about 35% brown pistils, unfortunately my jewelers loupe I ordered on amazon won't be here until the middle of next month so this is all I have to go on. Anyway I was growing outdoor this summer and I noticed that the cold in the fall produced some awesome colors and increased trich production... My question is would it be a good idea to take my indoor plant and put it out in the cold (inside my shed) for the last few days of flower. Looking for anyone with experience in this method or any advice. Thanks!
No got her this far why blow it...? in most instances too cold she will fall dormant,

and you will want to know why theres no growth at all

put her out on fine days in the sun for 3-4 hours at most weather depending

good luck
Putting it outside isn't gonna make it mature faster. It will kill it faster so you might as well just cut it down. You can get a cheap microscope at radio shack if you have one around for $12. I'm sure there are other places you could find one also.
I am not looking to make it mature faster, I am looking for higher trich production and purple color
bugs usually are not active when it is bellow freezing outside... Plus I'd be putting it in my shed (sealed from the outside) plus my grow box

Haha sorry my bad. I'm from down under we use metric, so I was thinking what's wrong with that lol.

Yeah I wouldn't put them outside at all