Should I top my auto flower?


Well-Known Member
No. You'll slow growth and you only get so much of that with autos, some autos get stuck and only grow a few inches...


Well-Known Member
Never top a auto ,I have had good results with lst though,pull the tops over to cause each top to become a main top,it's far less stressful on the plants.but I would only do this on the bigger kind of autos like magnum or super skunk,other than that I put them in a big pot and leave em be.


Well-Known Member
i found that u can top an auto, DID IT MYSELF. but its all about timing, i found that the perfect moment to top its at the beginning of the stretch before flower. I know people are gonna say oh u are not supposed to top autos, oh u are not supposed to transplant them. Bullshit if u know what you doing YES u can!! and yeah its not something that i hear,read,or saw. I DID IT MY SELF!!


Well-Known Member
It can be done we are not saying it can't be ,but it can cause stress,this can cause all sorts ,flowering early .like having a auto in a small pot soon has those roots touch the sides its seems to trigger flowering ,where has bigger pot it would have got bigger in veg ,so the end yeild would have been bigger.