Should I transplant these?


Growing these 4 Purple Maroc plants and wondering if they look big enough to you guys for a transplant. Also, what do you think of the yellowy/burnt edges of my lower leaves? These are now 2.5 weeks old and I think the yellow stuff was down to my pH, and I've sorted that now, but the leaves affected have just got worse. Should I cut these off or just leave them?




Well-Known Member
They're big enough to transplant. Looks like nute burn on the leaves to me. As long as the leaves are 50% green, let them stay.


Well-Known Member
looks like nitro deficiency to me. i dont see any burnt tips on those upper leaves. have you introduced them to nutes? if so what kind? Do NOT remove those leaves. because then the leaves above it will just start yellowing
looks like nitro deficiency to me. i dont see any burnt tips on those upper leaves. have you introduced them to nutes? if so what kind? Do NOT remove those leaves. because then the leaves above it will just start yellowing
I haven't introduced them to nutes just yet, and they've been in John Innes Seedling Soil since germination (which is probably low in nutes but says it has enough food for 5-7 weeks) so I'd be more inclined to believe it is nitro deficiency than nute burn.

I'm going to be transplanting these into BioBizz Light Mix soil in a couple days - should I just start my plants in there next time? Then soon afterwards, I will be using BioBizz Grow nutes.

Anything you'd suggest I should do differently? Maybe start them on the Grow nutes sooner?
