should i trim some of her?


Active Member
I trimmed her about a month ago. At the bottom only went up like 2 nodes. She's been flowering a lil over 2 weeks. IMAG0274.jpgIMAG0276.jpg


No, you can only trim her 1 week before flowering, Do not trim her at all or the buds won't grow right. nice plant btw. :)
it depends on how many plants you have and your space, but 3/4 of that plant should be a single cola so taking off one or 2 more sets would inprove the main cola but there wouldnt be alot apart from one main cola,
Dail, i always lollipop mine for a sog at 3 weeks 12/12 works grate for maincola building but it will add mayb a extra day or two on your flowering time (recovery)


Active Member
Man I don't know what to do....cause all the bud sites already started producing. Maybe the big fan leaves?