Should I trim this plant? Its gotten way to bushy. WITH PICS


Active Member
Wondering if I need to trim this plant for better colla production.
The plant has established 8 main collas. The fan leaves are starting to cover some of the collas and I am afraid that the collas are not getting enough light or are on their way to that point. What does it look like to you? Should I trim or just leave it be.

I never understood the whole trimming concept. I don't want to stunt growth.



Active Member
Its been topped a few times, nothing else. The main colla and stem is burined about a half inch inside. The plant doesnt even consider that to be a main colla anymore. I have several baby collas inside. The light is not penetrating anymore. Was doing an experiment with topping more than once and this is what happended. Hahaha. Can't wait to see the end result.


Active Member
What's too bushy.? Just pinch and bend the branches , not to brake them
Never done supper cropping before. Never found the need to. I might try this and see what happens. I would think super cropping a plant like this would be pretty hard. The plant is not even 6 inches tall.


Active Member
cropping too much, too early will lead to a squat, bushy plant.
Pretty much what I had yesterday. All though it grew out a lot today. Lookin really good. I held off on trimming the pant. Guess I didnt really need to after all. Will see how the little colas work out.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
It's gonna stretch when you flower and it's gonna look beautiful. 8 big donkey dicks growing out of the cabbage patch towards that light.