SHould I use both lights?


Active Member
At the moment I have:
1 * 42W 2850 Lumens 6500K
1 * 23W 1660 Lumens 6500K

I only have one plant on the go (roughly 2 weeks old since plante in soil)for the momentas I am testing things out. I have heard some people mention that they have also included a 2700K light. I was wondering if I should just stick with the blue spectrum or id I should also add one red?



Active Member
Ok, I also have one more 23W 6500K but was going to wait till the plant was a little bigger. So I should use both blue spectrum and also a red during vegg?


Well-Known Member
use as much light as you can! the more light the better....i don't think i've ever heard anyone talk about having to much light!


Active Member
thanks for all the input but would I be better off to return the 3500K tomorrow and get a 2700K? I just installed another light fixture now and threw in another 6500K till I hear your opinions.


Well-Known Member
i'd return the 3500s for 2700s and when it comes to time to flower, throw a couple of your 6400s in with the 2700s.

while you're returning the 3500, go for 42/46w 2700s - you really want as much light as possible, especially during flowering.

ideally you'd want 4 of the 42w (or 46) 6400s when vegging - 2 on top and 1 either side of the plant and during flowering you'd want 4 of the 2700s (same configuration) plus a couple of the 6400s.

sounds like a lot of light but it really isn't - your plants will thank you for it.