should I use nutes??


Well-Known Member
I'm a week or so into flower and just wondered if I should be using anything! I got some nitrozime (the missing link) should I use it?? I did folier feed a couple of times when she was in veg! any advice please post


Well-Known Member
ok thants not really the answer I was after! I can't believe that no1 will help me out! isn't this an information site? maybe I was rong!


Well-Known Member
ok well think I'll go get some in morning and I'll start givin quarter strength and c what happens I'm just scared of killing her so close to reaping the rewards!! lol

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
yea... some cats like to nute with 6.0 ph ... when i water nute it's always with a PH at higher than that .. in my opinion they obsorb nutrients better .. when u use nutes make sure it's every other watering to prevent any salt build up


Well-Known Member
ok that's not something I knew about, the ph being lower than normal! I thought that it had to be 6.5 or is that just when watering???? sorry for all the q's but that's how u learn I suppose

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
u dont have to lower it that much .. thats jus how i do it... i have done alot of tweeking with my grows over the years and thats jus a method i like to use .. it's all preference... GL on Your Grow


Well-Known Member
calm down first off man, your vibe is all off

look people will tell you you need nutes and people will tell you you dont need nutes. because some people use nutes and some people dont. simple as that. there is no right or wrong answer but id say the majority is for using nutes. but if it was me and I had not used nutes up to this point I wouldnt use nutes at all. Just finish growing the plant without nutes and see how it does and maybe nute on your next grow and see if it works better or the taste is different or what. I know people who grow and dont nute and swear by it. Say its more organic and naturel, which it is, but doesnt make it necessarily "better".


Well-Known Member
well she now has little buds forming all over her, I did give her some low N nutes the other day but I'm now gona let her do her thing! I think next girl i'll be using nutes all grow! I got 2 clone off her so hopefully can c wat diffrences there are. thanks every1 for info!


Well-Known Member
another thing is the lower new leaves seem to be curling under! I did a post bout this but I was given the advice of gettin a bigger pot, Which I did. she then started growing again and looking healthier! anyway it doesn't seen to have done anything bout the folige! could it be because the fan is on her blowing cold air on her?? she seems ok and the top folige is looking good. any help would be great


Active Member
Post pics - but yeah big plants have tiny shitty leaves on the stem... Think that is what you are talking about


Well-Known Member
I posted some picks om the post but not sure how to link! it's called" leaves curling under please help". but I'll post some more later on! they where talking bout N overdose or def but the top looks fine!