Should I Vege Inside or Out?


Well-Known Member
Outdoors is free 100,000 lumen HID designed for optimal growth.

If they are going outside id keep em indoor another few weeks an then Move em outdoors when they are a lil tougher.


Active Member
Keep your plants indoor for as long as possible. but every other day bring them outside when its sunny and let them adjust to outdoors. Try to let your plants do a 24/6 cycle. you need to keep track so you dont hermie. the more light it gets the more energy, but darkness is needed for growth.


Well-Known Member
They can sleep for as many or as little hours you want them to. Marijuana is not very needy. I keep mine on 20/4, 4 hours of darkness. Alot of people do 24/7 lights, do whatever you please. If you're transplanting outside though you may want to start decreasing the amount of light they get down to 18 hours at most so they don't flower on you, you can do this a week before the transplant.