Should I wait until a plant is fully reverted to vegetating to clone it?


Active Member
I harvested with 12/12 for about 4 crops then I decided to switch back to 18/6. I switched it back about 5-6 days after the preflowers showed. I didn't do this on purpose I just happened to change my mind around that time. The buds sort of kept developing even though the plant is still small and now it looks like they're stopping growth and the plant is in the process of reverting to veg. Should I wait until vertical height resumes at it's normal speed or is it okay to clone them the way they are now?

I thought maybe it'll be easier for a cutting to revert to veg instead of a whole plant but then I thought maybe the cutting might herm from the stress of being cut from a plant in the process of reverting or whatever. Would you guys wait to clone? I'm only asking because it could be weeks before it's fully back to veg and i'm trying to meet a quota.


Well-Known Member
When I am going to re-grow a plant I toss her into my 20/4 veg room as soon as I finish harvesting her. The only special treatment I utilize is to flush her after harvest. Re-grows clone the same way as plants from seed. But timing is important. If the re-grow has been re-vegging less than 3 weeks your chances of a successful clone offspring go way down. I've had luck at 3 1/2 weeks and real good luck at 4+weeks re-vegging. So wait until mom has spent 4 weeks re-vegging before tapping her for donor duty. Taking clones from a mom who is obviously still flowering is a waste of time. I've seen these clones take 12 weeks to root. I toss out, now, any cuttings that have not rooted by day 14 in the dome. Experience has shown me that clones cannot take more than 2 weeks in the dome without falling victim to problems associated with the high humidity -- stem rot and little/no root growth. Works 4 me, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
I would not do that . because the clones you cut off the plant will be funny looking . I did this in the past. it may spit out strange growth . 1 or 10 finger leafs or might herm on you. I have a bit of experience with this . 2 weeks into flower I cut branches off from the lower growth cloned them . got roots and grew them a foot tall I ended up putting them all into the trash they turned into freaks . if its you last resort desperation for cash its better then nothing.