Should I worry about these? What is wrong with my plants?


Well-Known Member

FFOF/Happy Frog

Humidity is a serious struggle so it temp

Soil is moist about 1" down

Lights are about 2" away from plants

No Nutes


Active Member
Deficenty of nutes my friend.. Add a 1/6 stregnth of nutes on next watering. Thats why ur getting a curl amd a taco shape of ur leaves..


Well-Known Member
Yikes, please don't use that terrible advise above.
Your medium of FFOF/Happy Frog is plenty strong enough to feed them for a while. You should only be giving straight water for several more weeks.

They look green and healthy which makes me think it's a watering issue. Are you letting the soil get fairly dry between waterings? It looks like they're trying to get rid of excess water, and your soil looks really damp.

Get your temps and humidity straight.


Well-Known Member
Yikes, please don't use that terrible advise above.
Your medium of FFOF/Happy Frog is plenty strong enough to feed them for a while. You should only be giving straight water for several more weeks.

They look green and healthy which makes me think it's a watering issue. Are you letting the soil get fairly dry between waterings? It looks like they're trying to get rid of excess water, and your soil looks really damp.

Get your temps and humidity straight.
I think I got way too much water in on their first watering in those pots! I pretty much watered until it was moist all the way through. Now it is taking some time to dry out! I haven't watered them in like 4 days. The soil dry about 1" down but after that it is moist. Do you think something is going on with the roots? Should I try and transplant with dryer soil or just let them be? With the humidity and temps. I live in the far north and it happends to be dry as fuck up here in the winter. I have 2 humidifiers going in the room with 2 cups with water and sponges sticking out in the box. One humidifier is right next to my passive intake to the box. The other is in the center of the room it's the one that is hot. I know I don't need more heat in there. What would be the best way to get the temp right? and humidity beyond what I'm already doing?


Well-Known Member
Those kids are trying to evaporate as much water as possible, so I would suggest letting the pots dry out until the pots feel light when you pick them up. I would also suggest getting a dehumidifier for your room, or adjacent room. A cheaper temporary route would be to buy some "Damprid" and place a cup filled with that in a safe spot in your growroom, where it will not touch anything that will come in contact with the soil or plants. OR get rid of one of those humidifiers??


Well-Known Member
Ok well thanks for the input. I think I'm just gonna ride it out. Should I lift the lights to get a little stretch or just keep em stubby?


Active Member
My 2¢, your problem is/going to be ventilation. You need ventilation to keep a certain range of temps. Now if ambient temps rise and you don't have proper ventilation you'll see your room temps rise. That's what you need to be worrying about

As for you light question, move the lights 'With' the plants growth. Natural stretch will occur inbetween nodes but if you don't have much space between soil and your first node, go for a little stretch so its much easier to transplant.

One more thing, young plants (seedlings and freshly transplanted clones) don't take up a lot of water. So its easier to put them in smaller pots with less medium. I cut bottoms off dixie cups about 2". If you're medium has water in it, don't water. the roots with travel to the moist soil when they need water. when your plant builds a good root system you'll see the medium dry out pretty evenly.