Should i worry about this


Alright last nite was the first time i thought about not growing pot in my apartment which is very dissapointing to me cus im really looking forward to my grow but wtf, well check it, i was outside me n my girl smokin and shit, then all of a sudden i hear like a big ass truck noise and it was the freakin police in like a swat car but lookd like a damn bus and like three cop cars... Should i wrry about this, like dnt they have technology to read images in ur homes in shyt should i grow or no...........????

Total Head

Well-Known Member
poor paranoid pothead guy. i assume the police were there for someone else if your grow hasn't started yet. the police are unlikely to bother trying to "catch you" unless they suspect something, and even then they usually go after the big boys, not apartment dwellers. i guess the main concern is what's the neighborhood like? if the cops are there every day i wouldn't worry about it because they likely have bigger fish to fry, and neighbors in those places tend to mind their business (the whole snitches get stitches deal). if it's a quiet type neighborhood where everyone is up in your shit 24/7 you might want to rethink. also make sure you're not going to be subject to random walkthroughs and shit like that.


Naw its pertty relax and they always give a heads up its just i got a little boy man n if sumthin was to happen wid him i wouldnt kno wat to do wid myself bro but thanks


bud bootlegger
idk man, but if your that nervous and your not even growing yet, i don't think you maybe cut out for growing imo.. and you really have to ask yourself if growing a lil bud is worth having something happening to your kid.. i would think that dyfs or whatever authority wouldnt look too kindly on having a young one in a grow..
just my two cents though..