should i worry


Active Member
PPM 800
PH 5.5
Temp: 77 f
humidity: 50%

plants are 1 month 5 days old, set in rockwool 6" * 6" cubes on slabs

1000W 2 feet from canopy air cooled tepm at canopy 77

should i worry about the spots



Well-Known Member
Why does everyone worry so much about a TINY little spot here and there or a little yellowing, plants go through stages as they develop, anything could cause anything, unless it spreads like hell and you can see it standing 10 feet away dont worry so much, you might just hurt it even more while trying to fix it.

just let it go by itself, these plants are stronger then you think.

You dont worry about a little spot on a plant in your garden and still its alive after 10 years not itl be fine.
(Not offensive in any way just speaking my mind)


Well-Known Member
Perhaps next time an issue arises that concerns you and the plant, step outside and look at anything growing wild. I think you'll find your plant in much better shape than these nature made plants . . . and those little spots won't seem so big.

Your grow looks nice and clean to me.


Active Member
appreciate all the feedback i just wanted to be proactive so if there was a problem i could stop it befor it could do damage that i could see from 10 feet away


New Member
No way how good is this advice, i thank you sir, do you know what we all just worry to much, even me all the time, but its because we love the shit so much, but thank you for the top advice.


Well-Known Member
The thrill never goes away, but the unnecessary worries do.
After about 40 years, I keep my concerns in the insect vein.