Should Trump be prosecuted after leaving office?


Well-Known Member
"When the Biden administration takes office in 2021, it will face a unique, fraught decision: Should Donald Trump be criminally investigated and prosecuted?

Any renewed investigative activity or a criminal prosecution would further divide the country and stoke claims that the Justice Department was merely exacting revenge. An investigation and trial would be a spectacle that would surely consume the administration’s energy.

But as painful and hard as it may be for the country, I believe the next attorney general should investigate Mr. Trump and, if warranted, prosecute him for potential federal crimes"

Opinion | Should Trump Be Prosecuted? - The New York Times (

Yes, he should & it should be mandatory.
Fuck Trump, he thinks he can walk on water/lie incessantly?
No, he can't or shouldn't be able to.
Is there any justice/truth left in this country?
If he walks away from the mayhem he created unscathed, there is no real concept of Justice left in this country.
It's due time for a real dose of reality to hit Trump right between his fucking eyes.
No more bull shit.
Make him pay for all the misery he has inflicted on the American people.
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Hannity urges Trump to pardon himsel. Fox News host Sean Hannity Sean Hannity said on his radio and television shows Monday that he thinks President Trump should pardon himself in order to avoid a potential prosecution from the incoming Biden administration. The conservative host referred to an op-ed by a former member of the special counsel's office, Andrew Weissman, arguing for Trump to be investigated and potentially prosecuted by the next administration.

"If that's what they want to do, if Biden ever became president, I'd tell Trump to pardon yourself and pardon your family," Hannity said on his Fox News show late Monday.

His comments came days after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), one of Trump's biggest allies in Congress, also urged the president to pardon himself and those around him. "President Trump should pardon Michael Flynn," Gaetz said during a Fox News interview. "He should pardon the Thanksgiving turkey. He should pardon everyone from himself to his administration officials to Joe Exotic if he has to.”

Remember who said you only take the Fifth if you are guilty?
It would only be fair, just following the Republican's precedent of investigating the Clinton's for two decades. They should start with emails, so Republicans know they are being trolled, then network out into the more serious crimes.

Did anyone catch anything about Republican senators having problems with a Biden nominee over, you guessed it, her use of social media to criticize Republicans?

pfffft, bawahahahaha!
I heard someone say something interesting about Nixon being pardoned but still faced actual consequences by losing his job as POTUS. Trump is not going to face that consequence so yes he should face charges when he leaves office.

And everything that he has done in the last 4 years needs to be investigated, and DC needs to be extremely transparent about everything. Trust is too far gone for us to be kept in the dark.
AOC for AG
As an outside observer it seems that Biden has said that he will stay out of any investigation of Trump, IMO he's going to be far too busy trying to fix the shit show that the Presidency has become, to think about Trump.
There's still the Muller Report and the undisclosed Grand Jury evidence, more than a few State and Civil cases are waiting too.
Hannity urges Trump to pardon himsel. Fox News host Sean Hannity Sean Hannity said on his radio and television shows Monday that he thinks President Trump should pardon himself in order to avoid a potential prosecution from the incoming Biden administration. The conservative host referred to an op-ed by a former member of the special counsel's office, Andrew Weissman, arguing for Trump to be investigated and potentially prosecuted by the next administration.

"If that's what they want to do, if Biden ever became president, I'd tell Trump to pardon yourself and pardon your family," Hannity said on his Fox News show late Monday.

His comments came days after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), one of Trump's biggest allies in Congress, also urged the president to pardon himself and those around him. "President Trump should pardon Michael Flynn," Gaetz said during a Fox News interview. "He should pardon the Thanksgiving turkey. He should pardon everyone from himself to his administration officials to Joe Exotic if he has to.”

Remember who said you only take the Fifth if you are guilty?
"The Mob takes the fifth."

Winning and retaining power is the most important thing right now and there is a lot of soft talk around Trump among the democrats and media. Nobody wants to get the republican base excited and united behind Trump, not until after the Georgia election, they are divided now and there is trouble for them in Georgia. Biden's post election approval polling has improved and Trump's has diminished, his intransigence is costing him them in Georgia and the margins are razor thin. Since Trump is not on the ballot the republicans figure many of his hard core supporters won't show up for the run off election. It appears to be having the opposite effect on democratic voters, Trump trying to steal the election in plain sight and beyond any reasonable doubt, has motivated them.

They will continue to soft sell prosecution of Trump until after the election, this will help to keep Donald from going off the deep end and prevent the base and party from uniting to defend the great leader. Donald appears to be digging a grave for the republicans, only their racist and bigoted base can save them from losing those seats in Georgia. I've seen some real fucking republican wingnuts on TV in Georgia, they are all white racists with a clear agenda. Most either don't care about democracy or the constitution, or even understand it, many are Trumpers for a reason, they are stupid racists, nothing more.
AOC for AG
As an outside observer it seems that Biden has said that he will stay out of any investigation of Trump, IMO he's going to be far too busy trying to fix the shit show that the Presidency has become, to think about Trump.
There's still the Muller Report and the undisclosed Grand Jury evidence, more than a few State and Civil cases are waiting too.
I like AOC, and look forward to watching what is hopefully a long career ahead of her. But today there are people who know far more about the AG role that will be in a better position to lead the justice department.

Give her about 10 years or so of experience before I would feel comfortable with her being appointed to a high level cabinet position.
The charges in the pipeline, the sealed indictments in the SDNY were initiated by Trump or court appointees (Berman) and will proceed as normal. The DOJ will return to normal operation as it was before Trump, that is how it will go down, Joe will be hands off like Obama, as was the normal way of doing things before Trump. Joe could appoint a real fire breathing patriotic former republican as AG, there are lot's to chose from who would love to crucify the entire works of them, I think it might be a wise pick, patriots first though.

The SDNY case against individual #1 will happen much quicker than Trump or most people realize, there must be sealed indictments against him or someone will end up in prison, it's that simple, Cohen is doing the time and he is not the only witness against trump, they have his bean counter by the balls and his buddy pecker head among others, besides it's a documents based case and they have his signature on the documents and checks. That one thing will tie Donald down and put him in jail or prison fairly quickly, it will muzzle him by court order as soon as he pleads in front of a judge. Donald is looking at a decade for that alone, there is no rush to get to the rest.

Win the senate and you will have commissions and spectacular public hearings as those Trump pardoned are cleaned out publicly of everything they know about anything covered by the pardons, if they are blanket pardons, their entire lives are an open book, including anybody they were in a criminal conspiracy with, some of those people might be nervous about Trump's blanket pardons. Pardons of associates are a Trap for Trump and so is a self pardon, it can be used to clean information out of Trump under the terms of the pardon. Then later charging him for the crimes and then seek to invalidate the self pardon, Donald would fuck himself, though it wouldn't be the first time.
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Rudy Giuliani has discussed the possibility with President Trump that Giuliani could receive a presidential pardon, according to a report in The New York Times.

The Times reported Tuesday that the two men had the pardon discussion as recently as last week, though the newspaper said it is not clear who first raised the matter. It reported the two discussed the possibility of Trump preemptively pardoning Giuliani, who has not been charged with any crimes.

I like AOC, and look forward to watching what is hopefully a long career ahead of her. But today there are people who know far more about the AG role that will be in a better position to lead the justice department.

Give her about 10 years or so of experience before I would feel comfortable with her being appointed to a high level cabinet position.
She is smart, but is she a lawyer? Experience as a prosecutor? She would merely provide a narrative for right wing media and become another Hillary with a decade of hate and lies thrown against her. If she was caught jay walking, Lindsey would hold a years worth of senate hearings on it and it would become a national scandal of biblical proportions amid cries of "lock her up"!