Should you presoak RW with beneficials


Active Member
Ok, please don't hag me about presoaking rockwool, cause I know you need to presoak in 5.5 water without nutes. Could I do it with beneficials, and what kind? The only beneficials I have are floralicious plus, and I am not for sure if this is one but I also have aquashield. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Picture.jpgi presoak my r/w cubes in gh-floranova seedling dose[keep it simple recirc. dose] i ve tried all kinds of stuff & this seems to work best out of 42 cloned 41 survived & are thriving i used clonex gel & floranova & misted the babies under a dome once daily with tap water for the first week:leaf:

lisa L

depends, are you cloning or are you seeding? If you're cloning, I add 1/4 strength nutrient solution (100ppm) included a pinch of superthrive, then I water with pH'd water after that, with every once in awhile more nutrient solution. (don't want build-up) For seeds, water alone (distilled or R.O. is what I prefer, I don't pH it as long as the rockwool is pre PH'd. The diluted nutrient solution I use later is more than sufficient to rebalance the pH)

2-3 weeks is awful long for my plants (even from seed) to go with just water, they would be pale as hell, and definatey missing some nutrients. I'd go with water through week 1, then once the true leaves have outsized the seed leaves I'd do with <100ppm. (1/8X nutrient solution)--That's just my opinion though, as after a week in rockwool I'm usually seeing roots poke through and at least a whole set of true leaves getting bigger, usually by that time 2+ sets. If you have true leaves and roots poking out the bottom they should really have some dilute nutrient solution.