Show me some trichomes


Well-Known Member
Porch I am high as fuck! I was looking at your avatar cause I thought I was looking at a big hairy cock behind a thong or something! Then I noticed its a jar full of bud! Im totally disgusted AAhhhhh I still see it!!!! Its bugging out my eyes!
High on life that is!


Well-Known Member
laughing my ass off. wow. that's really funny that you guys both say it resembles genetalia, because I thought it looked something like a vagina. thought for a sec there i posted the wrong pic lol


Well-Known Member
wow i am still fucking laughing every time i look at it. that's some good shit inside the jar. don't know what strain it was, but it kinda smells like kerosene. kind harsh too...head high :-)


Well-Known Member
its an optical illusion to me no matter how hard i look at it I only see the vag...I cant see the table at all ahhhhh


Well-Known Member
Thanks, man. I'm guessing, the last photo-the amber-looking ones-are the ones that are ready??? Mine don't look like that, but I'm smoken the stuff in the jar cuz I split the main cola on one of em while lifting them out of the buckets :-( Didn't even flush yet-harsh smoke and really chemical-tasting, almost as bad as the shit those Mexicans have been trying to kill me with all these years. But I couldn't let it go to waste. Can;t wait to taste the good shit...even tried a blueberry flavored flush solution on one of em.


Well-Known Member
porch monkey for like lol "since when did porch monkey suddenly become a racial slur...My grandmother used to call me a porch monkey all the time."


Active Member
acutally at first i thought it was a stainless steel bowl i was seeing a reflection of plants :)
Thanks for this thread guys, I wasnt liking the whole 80% hair change theory or w/e as my stuff was still a tad bit thin on the lwoer branches.

I will get the magnifying glass now.