shrooms contamination question please help!


Active Member
So its my first time growing shrooms and I injected one pint jars (I now know this was a bit of a mistake) full of a vermiculite/brf mix with the spores. All of the jars are now colonized, but there is a very light yellowish semi-slimy substance on the outside of the cakes. I know if its not totally white you probably have some sort of contamination on your hands, but I thought I heard somewhere that this type of light yellow growth is fine. If anyone could who really knows could help me out thatd be great. I'll post pictures in a week or so but i am away right now. Still, at least a guess w/out seeing them would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
when in doubt throw it out, but if its what i think it is yes it can be fine ive had very small amounts of it with no issues before. when you do your dunk if you havnt already throw some h2o2 in there, the cakes will be safe, the yellow will not