Shrooms Daily?


Active Member
well not daily...but would it be fine if i took shrooms on a friday and then again the next saturday? without the highs conflicting?


Well-Known Member
you would just build up a high tolerance. which means you have to consume more and more.


Well-Known Member
I find that, with shrooms, your tolerance to them increases very quickly so you mightn't get a great trip off them the second time.


Active Member
you'd be better off to wait a week. they won't work too well two nights in a row. I don't see how anybody could eat shrooms two nights in a row, my mind is damn tired all the next day.


Well-Known Member
if you don't go to sleep before you take them on saturday you will be fine, i have found in my life of drug use that sleeping is what builds tollarance, your body uses sleep to heal and therfore learn to tollerate and expell toxins. so if you just redose a couple times you wont need to sleep anyway.

but you will look like crap from the sleep all oily, bags under the bloodshot eyes and weekness from not eating(whenever i take things i never want to eat)... you wont want to go see some chicks or go clubbing durring this period.




if you don't go to sleep before you take them on saturday you will be fine, i have found in my life of drug use that sleeping is what builds tollarance, your body uses sleep to heal and therfore learn to tollerate and expell toxins. so if you just redose a couple times you wont need to sleep anyway.

but you will look like crap from the sleep all oily, bags under the bloodshot eyes and weekness from not eating(whenever i take things i never want to eat)... you wont want to go see some chicks or go clubbing durring this period.


when i was a teenager we used to sell shrooms in the summer and the first year we went apesh#t. for like two months we ate shrooms every day except sunday, you still trip, but it takes more and it is horrible on your body and kinda messed up my thinking ability for a few months, i felt sloooow. so i would advise giving yourself a week recoop. time between trips. have fun!


Well-Known Member
From what I've been told it's best to shroom once a month. Though your body will clean everything out within about 3-5 days, you're not going to appreciate the experience nearly as much if you do it all the freaking time. Shrooms are cheap, so you can buy a lot, but that doesn't mean you have to use them all the time. When not shrooming but still seeking a high, just pack a bongload.