

i have been waiting patiently for about a month now for my shroom jars to finally mycelium all the way but really have not seen tat much progress. im using hawaiian spores wtf man anybdy kno wats up with these... here is a pic, the rice looks a little red but its not tat red, its more like a pink color but not too much if u kno wat i mean



Well-Known Member
If its been over a month... the subtsrate is mostly likely dried out... and mycelium needs some water content to grow. It looks like the jars stalled.. did you allow ventilation in them?


yea man they have four small holes in the top of the jars underneath the foil , i have another syrienge jus wanted to wait n see wat happened im kinda of bummed now, can i help them out r are they done for bro


Well-Known Member
Only option... is get a sterile syringe... boil water to kill off germs... wait for the water to cool to room temparature... and shoot a small amount of water to rehydrate the substrate... this is not a sure thing. Another thing that might of caused failure is you didn't break up the spores good enough in the syringe when you inoculate the jars... give the syringes a very good shake so all the spores can be evenly dispersed!


yah man it looks like the grains didnt drain enough. ive had a jar with wbs do that to me also. that stain is basically the dirty water sludge from the grains..