sic plant


Well-Known Member
This plant started veg stage on Sept. 4th, I don't think growth is stunted. I have 4 other plants and the bottom leafs all look like this. Have only fed once about 2or 3 weeks ago with Foxfarms Marine Cuisine Seafood 10-7-7. Is this a deficiency, nute burn, or something else.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The first pic with the crispy brown leaf parts is a phosphorus deficiency. The other two pics don't look as obviously from lack of phosphorus, which could mean a second issue. Start by feeding P, good sources of which will be most Guanos. You should make it into a tea that will be quickly absorbed by the plant and quickly fix the problem.

She also looks to be about ready for transplanting. When the soil dries, before watering pull the plant out of the pot and see how the roots are doing.

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply Mother...I have some Foxfarm's Tiger Bloom Vicious Bloomer 2-8-4, I was saving for flowering...would it be okay to use this now?

One more thing, don't know if you can see it in the pic, but got some stems at the bottom turning purple.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Yeah purpling stems is common with P deficiencies. That fertilizer should help alot. Use at full strength once the soil is ready for a watering and the next watering use pure water. Imho you should grab a different fertilizer in the near future to use with the Fox Farms stuff. Just some different brand that might have a few micronutes not found in what you're currently using. Plants love variety and it helps to prevent too much or too little of any nutrients.