Sick plants


those leaves turn yellow, they are supposed to. It lets you know as a grower that your plants are reaching maturity


Active Member
Those are just the cotelydons. Not to much of an issue. They supply the plant with it nutrients for the first week or two. I have had a couple grows where they lasted right up till harvest too.


Active Member
those leaves turn yellow, they are supposed to. It lets you know as a grower that your plants are reaching maturity
are you sure about that? because the big one when she was a baby dosen't have yellow leaves.

Those are just the cotelydons. Not to much of an issue. They supply the plant with it nutrients for the first week or two. I have had a couple grows where they lasted right up till harvest too.
Should I feed them with some nutrients? Because I never feed them.


The bigger plant is fine, there very well could be a issue with genetics with the smaller one to make the cotelydons turn yellow early i am not sure, but every plant does it.


New Member
Its because lack of nutrients
Its time to start feeding lightly
Both of the other poster are wrong
And the one that said he kept those leaves til harvest has obviously never grown


Weed Modifier
They look worries as those don't decide if plant is unhealthy...the rest of the leaves Do. peace


Active Member
Yup. I have never grown.
Edit: I should have asked had there been any feeding going on. I was going to ask if it was pre-nutes soil, but didn't. He did answer it after my post though, so it's easy to say" yup feed them".


Active Member
thank you guys for your post, but can you take a look at this schedule of nuts for my plants, what you think about it.

Schedule with BioBizz produtcs.jpg

All-Mix - Peat moss 20%; Sphagnum peat 35%; Worm humus 10%; Perlite 30%; Pre-Mix 5% EC: 2,4; pH: 6,6.

Root-Juice - N 0.1% P2O5 0.1% K2O 0.1% X (Fe) 0.013% X (Mn) 0.002% x (Zn) 0.004% X (B) 0.025% X (Cu) 0.001%

Bio-Grow - N 8.0% NH4 4.0% NO3 4.0% P2O5 2.0% K2O 6.0%

Bio-Bloom - N 2.0% NH4 0.9% NO3 1.1% P2O5 6.0% K2O 3.5%

TopMax - pH 7.3 EC 1.5 NH4 0.2 K 5.9 Na 4.0 Ca 0.9 Mg 0.5 Si 0.3 NO3 3.4 Cl 6.9 SO4 0.3 HCO3 0.6 H2PO4 0.3 Fe 1.1 Mn 0.2 Zn 0.4 B 6.0 Cu 0.9 Mo 0.1