...if you can use the closet to flower in and the tent to veg in that would be ideal, especially if you wanted to run any kind of perpetual, you'd just have to give the setup some thought because you have to have the airflow right or it'll overheat. ...and yeah, if you do that then you can just paint the closet and staple the plastic fencing and it's fencing not netting, nets wouldn't be stiff enough to support all the heavy colas.
...yeah man, some of the shit you read in the books and shit isn't as reliable as you'd think, i know in my own case i've been doing things people said couldn't be done for years, as an example here is a picture of a couple White Rhino's i grew in 2liter Coke bottle hempy-buckets that yielded 2 zipz each so that's a quater elbow in 4 liters of medium, the Folgers cans are just to catch runoff.
...yeah man, that's exactly what i do, i run the AC in the summer months and i open the window in the winter.
...if i remember right you said there was a window in the closet itself, if so you want to try and not use it but to treat is as just a wall because venting directly outside gives you a FLIR detectable heat signature and venting into an air conditioned room won't so if you can, vent into the room.
...i've been at this hobby studying and learning and experimenting for nearly 8 years now man, and i can say for sure that switching to the WoW technique very definitely increased my yield, significantly.
...frankly, if you grow 8 plants, 2 on a side, in 2 gallon coco hempy buckets and you feed KISS style and you don't upgrade to a 1000 but rather stick to your 600 i don't see any reason you can't pull 8 - 10 zipz your first try, then, after a few cycles you'll up that to 12 - 15 and if you upgrade to a 1000 or you add another 600 stacked below then you should see upwards of 20 zipz and more per cycle, you'll be growing for real bro.
...if you MUST use that window i'd say it's safe to use for AC but maybe not, if you can create some kind of false front so you can add a door of some kind and then vent out that false front into the other room you'd be much safer, ...i know LEO seems less inclined these days to mess with mj but you can't depend on that, you can't risk your freedom on the goodwill of the man, too often that leaves you out in the cold.
...and, if you grow hempy style, which if you don't know already is passive hydroponics, then you wouldn't need any pots bigger than 2 or 3 gallons and if you look at my pics you'll see one that shows my pots sitting empty in green bins, those are to catch the runoff and i got them at the Dollar store, in fact that's where i got the pots as well, i just went to my local Dollar store and wandered around looking for pots and runoff bins and what you see is what i got, lol.
...here's a link to Mobius' hempy thread where you can find all kinds of info on hempys and just how versatile they are and you'll probably see them that just can't help but complicate things, lol, but hempy's work extremely well and they are almost foolproof, absolutely the easiest most relaxed way to grow, bar none. ...i've been told that some of those complications are improvements but i've not wasted any time trying them believing that if it ain't broke, don't fix it, lol, ...and the original hempy method is so brain dead simple it just can't fail unless you almost TRY to fuck it up!
World Of Hempy
...for real man, the 3 most important things i've learned is first, grow vertical, W.o.W style, second do it hempy style and third, feed KISS style, those three things changed everything for me, now it's easy peasy lemon squeezy and has been for the last 2 3 years.
peace, bozo