side shoots off the main shoot getting too heavy to support there own weight.


Active Member
So my concern is that buds that were pointing upwards twords my lights are now growing too heavy to do so anymore. pix show the tale the first one is from 6 days ago and the second two are today. I am worried more of my buds will be doing this as they gain in weight. so i ask eveyone what is a good soulution to keeping your side branches pointed up twords the light like they need?



Active Member
tie them to the sealing? or to what? i guess i don't know how i would tie them up or what i would tie them too!


Well-Known Member
tie them to the sealing? or to what? i guess i don't know how i would tie them up or what i would tie them too!
To the ceiling will work, or run strings from wall to wall, and tie branches to them. Or if its just the axillary branches just tie them to the main stem. Or get garden stakes, or bamboo shoots, and stick them in the soil and tie to that.