So I've been mulling over the prop 19 aftermath. I was a hopeful supporter.
But it was up to the California voters. Not bitter, just sad this opportunity was tossed aside.
But is this all negative? Is there some hope to salvaged here?
I believe there is, though i do understand the negative mood.
Will the federal hammer come crashing down? Probably not, the same realities face DEA and federal enforcement.
MJ growing/use go well beyond any practical federal solutions, and they know it.
The justice department was plainly not happy with prop 19 progress. They were afraid it might pass.
That it didn't is a temporary situation, and I believe this is understood. This was 1 battle, not the war.
As long as federal law remains so skewed from reality, it invites more initiatives. And i believe this is also understood
Pressure is building for federal rescheduling. This is not going to be legalization, but a realistic step forward.
The large MMJ factories in the works seem to be part of this game.
Scuttlebutt is they will challenge federal MJ law on the 'no accepted medical use'.
And NY is very much in play for MMJ this year. No guarantees, but the MMJ bill made it through the legislative process once.
It was killed only because of a budget battle and a lame duck governor.
A battle may have been lost, but this war will go on.
But it was up to the California voters. Not bitter, just sad this opportunity was tossed aside.
But is this all negative? Is there some hope to salvaged here?
I believe there is, though i do understand the negative mood.
Will the federal hammer come crashing down? Probably not, the same realities face DEA and federal enforcement.
MJ growing/use go well beyond any practical federal solutions, and they know it.
The justice department was plainly not happy with prop 19 progress. They were afraid it might pass.
That it didn't is a temporary situation, and I believe this is understood. This was 1 battle, not the war.
As long as federal law remains so skewed from reality, it invites more initiatives. And i believe this is also understood
Pressure is building for federal rescheduling. This is not going to be legalization, but a realistic step forward.
The large MMJ factories in the works seem to be part of this game.
Scuttlebutt is they will challenge federal MJ law on the 'no accepted medical use'.
And NY is very much in play for MMJ this year. No guarantees, but the MMJ bill made it through the legislative process once.
It was killed only because of a budget battle and a lame duck governor.
A battle may have been lost, but this war will go on.