Active Member
Look, this thread is just plain stupid, and many of you are ignorant to the facts. Do your own years of research, and stop listening to what the almighty TV has to say(BBC is kinda cool but I'm afraid its the same as fox and the others), because the people in charge tell you what they want you to believe, so frankly, I'm done talking to you "Sheep", and I'm done with this thread.
Love and Hugs )O(
Just because I don't agree with you, don't think I am ignorant.
I have been studying the occult since '93. I don't watch ANY tv. I hate tv with a passion. Look, you don't know me. I am the most vocal proponent of questioning authority I know. I loathe the people in charge. So don't call me a sheep. You don't know me. I have more independence of thought in my little finger than you probably do in your whole body.
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
You are still on the Outside. Look at the Inner Circle and you will see what is behind the Occult, if you don't go insane first.