Signs and Symbols of the New World Order

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Look, this thread is just plain stupid, and many of you are ignorant to the facts. Do your own years of research, and stop listening to what the almighty TV has to say(BBC is kinda cool but I'm afraid its the same as fox and the others), because the people in charge tell you what they want you to believe, so frankly, I'm done talking to you "Sheep", and I'm done with this thread.

Love and Hugs )O( :peace:


Just because I don't agree with you, don't think I am ignorant.

I have been studying the occult since '93. I don't watch ANY tv. I hate tv with a passion. Look, you don't know me. I am the most vocal proponent of questioning authority I know. I loathe the people in charge. So don't call me a sheep. You don't know me. I have more independence of thought in my little finger than you probably do in your whole body.
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

You are still on the Outside. Look at the Inner Circle and you will see what is behind the Occult, if you don't go insane first.
With all of these symbols, there are many levels of interpretation. To the outsider/early initiate, these symbols can mean 'peace' or 'love' or whatever, but those with higher levels of understanding know more about the symbols, and the powers behind the symbols. Quite often, the higher levels of understanding bear little resemblance to the lower levels of understanding.
Hey I read a little about this symbol, but couldnt find anything else written like this, have you?

- Speaker Box D

You're kidding right? This 'symbol' is directly out of the Dan Browns Angels and Demons, the book and movie. It was fiction people!! :lol:

I can't believe how ridiculous some of this stuff is. All this crap popped up and went stupid on the net when the Davinci Code came out, do we really have to suffer through it again?

The world is controlled by evil, power hungry, money grubbing men, they're called politicians and corporate executives. Are many of them masons? Yes. Are many of them from Skull and Bones fraternity? Yes. Are they covertly plotting to enslave humanity, probably. Is there shit was can do about it? No.


Sweet!!!! Back then he used to often turn his back when doing his tapping cause it was so fresh and new he didn't want everyone copying him. Badass!!!!bongsmilie
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