signs of overwatering?


so im starting to wonder if im not overwatering my plants.... they are exibiting the signs of potassium deficiency but thats def not it.. could a saugy root system be to blame for what would appear to be a k deficiency ?


Well-Known Member
Extended periods of soggy roots will cause plant roots to stress since plant roots will be deprived of oxygen. Deficiencies begin to appear and get steadily worse until all nutrients are locked out. If not remedied, then after a while plants stop uptaking water altogether, roots go rotten and the plant dies.

In soil plants roots like to be wet then dry then wet then dry. So the best method is to thoroughly water/feed plants in fast draining potting mix, then allow to completely dry out, then thorough watering/feeding again.


Active Member
If you suspect root rot add peroxide to the water diluted. Oxygen kills the bacteria that cause rot. I use it for the added growth spurt alone. There is a such thing as too much however so use cation.


Well-Known Member
Drying out the soil medium can do wonders to killing a lot of pathogens as well and is part of the point behind watering then letting dry right out then watering again. But if it is root rot it will be hard to spot in soil unless you want to pull the plants out of the pots and hopefully you can see the rot on the sides. Smell is another key to picking up whether your plants roots are experiencing root rot. The smell is like the name, rotten.


Well-Known Member
droopy leaves is a sign of over and under watering and thats my 2 cents .....can i have them back im poor


ok well i have had them a little more on the damp side than dry because i thaught i might be underwatering them... im learnign alot though, like overwatering causes deficiencies because the roots are drowning.. no smell yet and they still are growing, although the onme has slowed considerably.. i will wait for the soil to dry completly this time then i will do a straight watering with some hydrogen peroxide mixed in, see if this helps.

i have been using beneficial bacteria so hopefully the damage isnt too severe, the plants havent begun to all out die so they will probably be fine.. i just want to fix this deficiency before i flip the lights in about 2 weeks

thanx all, il get the hang of this eventually