simple question

im still a newbie so i dont know if its true but one of my friends told me i should take off these leafs i just wanted to make sure if he was right 972371_548509468525858_1034097829_n.jpg979704_548509721859166_442547683_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
im still a newbie so i dont know if its true but one of my friends told me i should take off these leafs i just wanted to make sure if he was right View attachment 2672282View attachment 2672283
tell your friend to go out in the woods and find the biggest stick he can carry and bring it back to you so you can hit him with it, but that's why you have friends here right to check out shit RIGHT.

think of leaves as gas tanks that feed your plant, still want to pull them off?



Well-Known Member
Leaves are the solar panels and food storage for plants. Remove them if you want, but you are removing energy and food from your plant. If you still think that is a good idea to do, by all means, do it.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
What everybody else said. At this stage of the game, you want all the leaves that you can get.

If you think a leaf is done, give it a GENTLE tug, if it resists it's not ready to come off.

Have fun.


Active Member
I cant believe how many people are saying not to trim some of that off.
I guess if you really really like popcorn bud sure leave all that on.

Pot plants are amazing little things if you pluck all that CRAP that isn't going to amount to much off.
All the energy that is being wasted producing airy popcorn bud would be re-directed up to the top of the plant, to buds that will actually produce some weight.
Before I go into flower all the growth on the lower 2/3 of the plant gets removed.
What that dose is removes all the stuff I would be pissed about having to trim.
And allows the plant to use that energy on the upper buds that are getting good light.
In turn I get plants that yield around a lb each and I don't have to trim popcorn.

Sure leaves are a source of energy to the plant.
But the lower leaves and bud sites wont get much light once the plant gets bigger.
At that point they become a hindrance to the buds at the top of the plant.
The plant will continue to send energy to the lower buds that wont fatten up.

With them gone on the other hand the plant will send all that energy to the top buds that are getting good light.
And that my friends will cause the main colas to grow bigger then if you leave that energy sucking crap on the plant.

Here is a extreme example of stripping the lowers and focusing the energy to the top of the plant.