Size when flowering??? +rep for an answer


Well-Known Member
I have 4 plants that were mothers...I started flowering them couple days ago. My question is...I know the plant will double to triple in size...I have never flowered this big plant (42 inches)...does the rule of double - triple apply? It just doesnt seem right...I am just curious...I mean I transplanted them, made more space for roots and all right before flowering but its just 5 gallon pots. Thanks for any answers. By the way I have 2 white widows and 2 AK 47.



Well-Known Member
My plants just about doubled.. you should flower when your plants are about 12 inches if you want a plant to be about 2 to 2.5 feet


Well-Known Member
yes it will get a lot bigger so u will most likely need more light. Mines 18 rite now and expectin to get to 3 ft++


Well-Known Member
if there 42 inches your going to have at least a 5 foot plant by the end of flowering. i would expect taller. it is also wise to flower at shorter sizes so that the plant can suppot all of the bud growth. ive noticed with really tall plants youll tend to get smaller buds at the tips of the branches and a large center cola. like popcorn size nugs on the tips.


Well-Known Member
the inside branchs won't get any light.. and produce small ass buds tou will get some good colas tho


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
bud will be big and hard at lower brabches. its all in the amount of light you have.


Well-Known Member
Yummy...AK47 and WW = White Russian from serious seeds :hump: I'm willing to bet your plants will grow to maybe 6 feet when all is said and done.

I bet your place is going to stink like WHOA!! I can smell it just thinking about it


Well-Known Member
6 feet??? Are you saying I am gonna have 4 little trees home? The reason they are so tall is because they were mothers...and grew and grew and grew. And even when I took bunch of clones, they grew. I didnt think they can get that tall cause they have only 5 gallon pots. I have 400W HPS in there. Anyway, thank you everyone, + rep for help I am gonna keep these crazy 2 months with pictures in my grow journal in case anyone wants to subscribe.


Well-Known Member
i flowered mine till about 3.5-4 feet and now they are both just under 6 feet and almost finished flowering. it can only grow so tall -- tie down if you have too


Well-Known Member
Ha I think they will be huge! I am about to have the same issue. My girls were vegged for almost 2 months to about 2.5 to 3 ft tall now hitting flower and im expecting them to shoot up to 6ft i might have to tie them down my ceiling is only 7ft. Its weird how tall they are growing actually they appear to be mostly indica one looks afghanica they have such wide dark leaves but they are growing so tall with very little inter nodal spacing. talk about a jungle I want to get another light for them. 6 or 7 more weeks.... anyways back to you yeh You should get more lights on them. I only say that because your bout to crop your mommas and that is some special herb, better try to get as much of that as you can!! peace out


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks! I cant do another light, I got another room with 400W MH and the electrocity bill just cant get any higher...and its an old house I would have a problem plugging it in (too much W). I have some fluorescents in a closet...might try...but doubt it...Well we will just see!!! Subscribe to my grow journal and you will see too :bigjoint: