Skype doctor services


Well-Known Member
So just got an email saying it was ok to give out the service I used to get my MMAR now MMPR wasn't sure if they wanted meto give it out cause it's always controversial. I'm not getting kickbacks or anything from them but wish to pass on info to make your frustrations about getting a script a little easier, I will point out that they will require actual medical documents proving your condition. I just happen to have copies of all my med documents so for me that was not an issue.
I would recommend this service to anyone as they have been very helpful in answering questions and the doctor was better than any other doctor that has ever talked to me about my condition/s.
If you have had a good experience with a Skype doc service like I have, I urge you to recommend them here also. maybe if it gets a lot of good recommendations from different services maybe we could get a sticky?

Anyways the website is
Leeanne at
lbpatientservices (at sign)

if I'm asking a question, I will get a response within a week. I have no issues if you mention my name Brian
If you had a bad experience with these guys .... sorry you did, I just have nothing but good things to say
Here are their rates
The total cost will range from $300 - 600 depending on your location, the number/type of applications you make and any additional services you request. This includes the fee charged by the physician, applicable taxes and all document courier service.
yeah it was a little over 400 but got hook up with my mmar (still got it and get a free hook up with LP of choice without turning my ATP) year renewal at 75 I believe
I guess it would be the samething as going back to yer doc to get another refill of death pills, only takes couple mins to do that