two points perhaps you can enlighten me...first as plants photosynthesize in veg and flower why would you only enrich during flower only? second as plants give off o2 and the air is enriched back up to 1200ppm would that not constitute a closed system whereby air exchanges are not necessary? inquiring minds want to know.
I do not currently run CO2 but have read about it, and have planned on its future use in my gardening adventures. From my understanding for PROPER CO2 effectiveness you want a sealed room. Meaning unless you have an issue with temp or humidity then you should not be venting the grow area regularly. Venting the grow area when it is full of CO2 to start with does nothing for the plants. You want good air movement in the room still, and you obviously want to control temps and humidity as needed. This often means that a sealed room will have an exhaust hooked to a thermostat or humidity controller to kick on as needed.
My goal for my next room build is to reach this level of environmental control. Sealing my room, scrubbing the internal air to keep smell down and controlling temp and humidity with a/c, heat and a humidifier is nessecary. That will allow me to run CO2 to maximize the environment without wasting it by not having a sealed area.