Slight musty smell

I moved into a new place and built a nice little room in the basement. There is no noticeable smell and it stays dry in heavy rain and thru the thaw. I recently pulled off a crop and brought it upstairs to dry and once it was done and bagged up I noticed a slight musty smell that I am not digging. I can't think of why this is happening. I've grown in basements that even did have that wet smell before and never had this problem. Have some Death Star a couple weeks in and I'd like to avoid this. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Stale air needs to be moved in and out , not just circulated.
Can you see soil in the basement area ? ..... Like soil under house ( subarea ) .

Even temps are somewhat cooler , soil in subarea can harbor some unseen , mold , mildew and moisture conditions . Plumbing from subarea can have moisture conditions.
Buds also pick up foreign smells from its environment too.

That's why you don't spray febreze in your grow rooms.

Also if curing a bit too wet , brings funky smells. Also.
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